Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I don't know why people talk to me. I mean, it's a good thing that people share their lives with me. And I'd feel for them and feel helpless with them... and I get the sort of emotional turbulance that I would I were them... but as I realise how emotional I can get, I realise that I don't really have emotional stamina. Through the years, when my emotions are stirred, I get distracted and start feeling tired...and mundane things like studies don't seem important and I cannot quite cope with emotional distractions and schoolwork at the same time. I really wonder how some people can seem to compartmentalize these 2, and work as if nothing has happened, come rain, sun, hurricane... whatever. I need to learn. I need to pray.

Next semester, I'm thinking of doing 2 semesters worth of research. That'll tell me whether I'm gonna continue sitting in the lab, or head towards SDU and be a happy match-maker. Let's see :p


ic3snow said...

ah. matchmaking is so the very the hot in Japan!!! I dunno about S'pore tho. Or um, in the future. =p

Me JT said...

izzit izzit? haha I'm thinking of revamping SDU so nobody will be shy to go SDU anymore hahaha :p