Thursday, October 02, 2008

Im the Idealist

Plenty of people just want to pop my bubble which they call the idealistic world. They just find it ridiculous to think that I can't accept the standards of this world. The boot-licking, the power struggle, the materialism that's eating everyone up, the vanity, the selfishness, the lies and the pretense. It's not supposed to be like that, and we can choose to not be like that! But if you ever hint that the world is not supposed to be that way, people will just laugh at you, call you a simple-minded, immature and ignorant kid. If you choose to not follow the ways of this world, you'd be riduculed for blindly taking the losing end.

Is this it? Values are nothing compared to success, which by the way is highly equated to wealth and power? Is that how simple-minded and blinded the world can get while pretending to be extremely sophisticated?

It's perverse.

The world is moving forward with all its might into the regression of humanity.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I can hiatus everything.

I think hiatus is not the right word to use.
Hiatus is a period of interruption in the continuity of a work or action.
The emphasis is continuity. The hiatus doesn't change the fact the work is continuous, and will carry on after the hiatus.

The right word is P-R-O-C-R-A-S-T-I-N-A-T-E.
To procrastinate is to put off until another time. And that's so tentative. So undefined. So uncertain. So unsecured.

Procrastination dulls me. Like a dull and blunt blade that cannot cut, even in the hands of a good chef.

Stamp out procrastination pleeeassseeeee!

Saturday, June 28, 2008


My suspect friend kicked me off to a dreamy weekend. I've forgetten how to dream. Singapore's pragmatism and kiasu-ism have gounded my feet so firmly to practicality and down-to-earth security that I stopped dreaming.

But now I'm coming back. Yes, I so love food. I'm always snapping photos of food. It doesn't matter if it's your typical hokkien mee or the atas lobster on the big platter. I'm still gonna take the pic and post it up and share the joy. (okie... my old lappy's gone & the pics are not up & I aint doing much blogging ever since who knows when.)

And yes, I so love artsy fartsy stuff. I think I wanted to open a paper shop like Prints.

Yes I write. I wanna do food writing.

I think Martin Yan is cool. He has a masters in food science! (And I have an A levels chapter in Food chemistry...)

And moving on... I'd want to study mass communications. And write. And travel. And eat. And write. And cook too. And that's life!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hiatus does brain cells no good.

I'm back from outter space. And the blogging hiatus certainly does my brain no good. Especially my spelling. And grammar. And vocabulary... and whatever makes up the english language.

My ex-lappy's spoilt keyboard and the humdrum of work dulled my brain plenty. It's not that my work isn't exciting, it's just not creative.

If there's one point which one of my suspect buddies hammered home today, it's that you may not be good at what you like, but you can get better at it. That beats doing what you are okie with (or don't really like for that matter) and get better at it.

I'm mildly claustrophic when it comes to jobs that gives no room for creativity. Yea, you get comfortable in that small space because you're gonna acquaint yourself with every mundane inch well enough. But you don't expand. And your brains conform to that little space. And it gets packed and shaped and confined into a hard mould. All that moulding is going to make you think you can't expand anymore, and that you fit perfectly fine into that small space. That marks the death of creativity.

I need some room to get my brains working. And I'll be happy when the creative juices start flowing again.

Friday, February 08, 2008

The struggle

A hole filled with
A mass of experiences,
a mass of emotions,
a mess of reasoning,
and a mess of not knowing.

Then it came.
Personified thrice.
Followed by what comes after a loss:
Three times.
Acceptance has not arrived.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Just Had a Bad Day

Not exactly a bad day. But it's one of the days. Those low, low, low, depressing days. Maybe these kinda of days jab too hard at my perception of my self-worth and my purpose. It's one of those low, low, low, days when I believe the world wouldn't be different without me. If I were to melt away the next instant, I'd be no more than a lost memory. Or, if I hadn't even appeared, the world would have been a better place. It's one of those days when I think I'm not good at what I'm currently doing, and probably won't be much better anywhere else.

And maybe, I'm stuck in my own vicious cycle of belittling my existence, shrinking away from the real world and the people in it, thereby fulfilling my self-fulfilling prophecies of how this world isn't affected by my presence.

So dreary. so Meaningless. And so half-hearted.

Sheesh. If I continue like this, I might turn into one of those old folks living in those retirement studio apartments... and die there without being found out till decomposition spews forth the smelly news.

Wah biang ah. So morbid. Eeeewwww. I shall stop here.

Tell me that tomorrow is always a better day.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Bugger. Teethhhh...

4 months outta blogosphere.

Tons happen in 4 months.

"If you were my daughter, I'd like to have the most predictable outcome for you."

A predictable outcome costs $25,000. That's for braces and 5 teeth implants to fix my falling baby teeth issue.

And $25,000 is... astronomical! I'm a poor kid. A $25,000 smile. Is it worth it? At first I thought, "NO!" I can live without that. That amount of money can easily get me an eye job plus a nose job. Or whatever other job. I can even get a 2nd degree, or a masters, or a phD. Or, I can feed the multitudes starving in poverty in 3rd world countries.

And even if I had that money, wouldn't feeding the multitudes somewhere be more meaningful than spending it on my smile?

I can still eat. Yeah, it feels different. But I still masticate my food sufficiently. Yeah, I can still enunciate my consonants relatively distinctly. It's just... having missing teeth isn't the most attractive thing you know. To begin with, my original set of dentition isn't already the most dazzling one.

So, here comes the offer. For $25,000, the dentist would fix my missing teeth, and would be missing ones... and correct the un-pretty ones. And fix my bite problem and what have you.

That, he plans for his daughter. But I'm not a dentist's daughter.

Perhaps, I'd reconsider his offer when the rest of my baby teeth drops and threatens the way I masticate or communicate.

Eh dentist friends, what's your take?