Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hiatus does brain cells no good.

I'm back from outter space. And the blogging hiatus certainly does my brain no good. Especially my spelling. And grammar. And vocabulary... and whatever makes up the english language.

My ex-lappy's spoilt keyboard and the humdrum of work dulled my brain plenty. It's not that my work isn't exciting, it's just not creative.

If there's one point which one of my suspect buddies hammered home today, it's that you may not be good at what you like, but you can get better at it. That beats doing what you are okie with (or don't really like for that matter) and get better at it.

I'm mildly claustrophic when it comes to jobs that gives no room for creativity. Yea, you get comfortable in that small space because you're gonna acquaint yourself with every mundane inch well enough. But you don't expand. And your brains conform to that little space. And it gets packed and shaped and confined into a hard mould. All that moulding is going to make you think you can't expand anymore, and that you fit perfectly fine into that small space. That marks the death of creativity.

I need some room to get my brains working. And I'll be happy when the creative juices start flowing again.

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