Here's five cents worth of simple plainwords. The little things that didnt make it to speech, the little fleeting moments of sensitiveness to my subconscious self, the little struggles in between the lines and all the bits and pieces I want to remember.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Inspired by ... Rainbow
Let's just say that this person has a particularly colourful personality. And it's an unpredictable one too. The main point probably is that you should try not to offend this person, or this person's colours will descend upon you. Let's just call this person Rainbow. I've heard how this Rainbow has exiled other people out of sight coz Rainbow doesn't feel particularly flattered or pleased with them. Oh, to put things into context, Rainbow and the rest have a superior-subordinate kind of relationship. Sad to say, I've made it to the Rainbow's blacklist and I've experienced a teeny fraction of Rainbow's verbal expression of displeasure. (Reads: Unkind words and sacarsm. Well, volume was loud at one point of time.) Rainbow watches the blacklisted and has a flair for encouraging others to be as perfect as they can be (ie. Rainbow has the ability to spot all your mistakes, point out extra mistakes you didn't make, and of course, conjure up a cause to correct you on what wasn't even a mistake.)
Naturally, I was upset when Rainbow's colours flashed, thundered and drenched me. But on hindsight, maybe I shouldn't be. Rainbow reminded me that I should work to the best of my ability. I'm challenged to do my utmost best such that Rainbow would have nothing to pick on. Well, if Rainbow does want to get personal and create an unpleasant experience, I'd have to remember that those comments and verbal abuse are invalid and unapplicable.
There is no excuse for unapologetic use of verbal abuse.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Sighsighsiansiansian. Sian-ness is everywhere. It's suffocating. Nope, no happy thoughts at the moment. Buggered by sian-ness. I'm getting stoney-faced. Maybe even black faced. Getting apathetic and impatient. Either that, or frustrated and pek-chek. Permanent state of PMS. Not thankful, not caring, not joyous. Dry, gruelling, withered. Sianly stuck to passivity in probably all areas of life.
Room in mess,
work is work,
books unread,
brain unthinking,
heart not praying,
speech is stinging,
mind degrading,
heart is hardening,
songs are fading.
Oh how depressing.
Chocolate therapy anyone.
Stressed is Desserts spelt backwards.
JR, Lia, ZL, YT... I'm so sorry... so so so sorry... A disastrously strong wind indirectly caused a major accident to the most sweetie pie present... It shattered and it broke my heart to see the pieces. I'm so going to glue it back and keep it with me no matter what.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
That's the Phone!
This is the ONE !!! The w880i Walkman phoneeeeeee!!
Somebody buy for me please. Thanks.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
My first dress!!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Saturday Fever
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Ranting once upon a time...
As the little girl grew up, she met more and more mean people. Her smiles grew heavier, and being understanding was a trying thing. However, she'd never want to be like the rest, those nasty people.
Nasty people come in all forms. There're those who'd appear all warm, nice and cuddley, but they're just like a bunch of roses-- sweet and pretty, but full of sharp thorns. There're also those who're like cactus-- outrightly thorny and prickly. There's also others who treat you like glass -- plain and transparent. Or others who treat you like a scab -- something to pick on. Nasty people come in all shapes and sizes, and they're found everywhere.
One day, the girl met a nasty person. A combination of the rose type, and the treat-you-like-scab person. At first, she tried to smile, but it was not easy. And it grew harder, and harder. Then more and more such people came along. And she couldn't even smile anymore.
As the cacti and roses gathered around, life wasn't so much a bed of roses anymore. She couldn't smile and she started to ignore these nasty people. Yes, treat them like glass--plain and transparent. And as the people picked on and pricked each other, she too, grew her own set of thorns to protect herself. And she thought in her heart, that if anyone were to tread on her toes and pick on her, she'd give them their fair share of the scab treatment too.
Little did the girl realise that she's stopped smiling.
She has blended into the world of the nasty people.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Grandma's chilli sauce
Sorry no pics... good sauces have gone down my stomach with my grandma's signature prawn noodles.
Shopping Shopping
So here's what's been taken off the shelves from Ikea...
A clean and fresh-looking white shelf, several handy plastic boxes that can double up as drawers, and pretty floral magazine holders!
Love all the little thingies you can find there! My personal fave furniture & idea place! :)
Thursday, April 05, 2007
The Swan Song -- Slipper Swish IV
Slipper Swish. Once a pesky slipper in the ocean... now hard, weathered, cold and torn.
Just feeling a little rebellious, and a little unreasonable.
Dear So-and-so,
I regret to inform you that I have hereby decided to tender my resignation, for which the terms and conditions will be non-negotiable. My duties can be readily re-directed into another's plate. My obligation (or whatever that is taken to be under the unspoken expectation) is not withstanding once I tender my resignation. Rejection of my resignation due to any disagreement on the issue of obligation and well-being will not be accepted. I wish to restrict the purpose of my resignation as being private and personal.
Yours Sincerely,
Slipper Swish.
The Chronicles of Slipper Swish:
Letter I (2yrs 2 months ago)
Letter II (1yr 7 months ago)
Letter III (4 months ago)
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Organized mess
Packing is a personal chore. Leave it to me.
My things, my way, my time.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Little black dress
Here's the webbie! It's a dress galore!!!
That's what I call relaxing!
If u've stared hard enough, you'd see one prawn and one 2 dollar note. That's my prize prawn which got me a lucky draw and a lucky $2 note! Yep, I went prawning with two off my buddies. One buddy to help me nab this sneaky prawn which challenged me to a duel and chewed off a few of my baits before getting hauled up mercilessly... Muahaha... and the other buddy (the observant one who reads the rules and regulations at the prawning pond) to notice that this stubborn sneak had a tag attached which entitled me to a lucky draw!!