Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ranting once upon a time...

Once upon a time, there lived a cheerful little girl. She would smile at anyone and everyone, and brighten up everybody's day. Even when the meaniest people showed threw their nasty-ness at her, she'd just smile and try to be understanding towards them.

As the little girl grew up, she met more and more mean people. Her smiles grew heavier, and being understanding was a trying thing. However, she'd never want to be like the rest, those nasty people.

Nasty people come in all forms. There're those who'd appear all warm, nice and cuddley, but they're just like a bunch of roses-- sweet and pretty, but full of sharp thorns. There're also those who're like cactus-- outrightly thorny and prickly. There's also others who treat you like glass -- plain and transparent. Or others who treat you like a scab -- something to pick on. Nasty people come in all shapes and sizes, and they're found everywhere.

One day, the girl met a nasty person. A combination of the rose type, and the treat-you-like-scab person. At first, she tried to smile, but it was not easy. And it grew harder, and harder. Then more and more such people came along. And she couldn't even smile anymore.

As the cacti and roses gathered around, life wasn't so much a bed of roses anymore. She couldn't smile and she started to ignore these nasty people. Yes, treat them like glass--plain and transparent. And as the people picked on and pricked each other, she too, grew her own set of thorns to protect herself. And she thought in her heart, that if anyone were to tread on her toes and pick on her, she'd give them their fair share of the scab treatment too.

Little did the girl realise that she's stopped smiling.

She has blended into the world of the nasty people.

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