Sunday, April 29, 2007

Inspired by ... Rainbow

I wanted to blog about good food, and I wanted to blog about the Quotable Quotes that have impressed me. But no, what's fumbling and jumbling in my mind, waiting to be thrown up and out is inspired by a particular person.

Let's just say that this person has a particularly colourful personality. And it's an unpredictable one too. The main point probably is that you should try not to offend this person, or this person's colours will descend upon you. Let's just call this person Rainbow. I've heard how this Rainbow has exiled other people out of sight coz Rainbow doesn't feel particularly flattered or pleased with them. Oh, to put things into context, Rainbow and the rest have a superior-subordinate kind of relationship. Sad to say, I've made it to the Rainbow's blacklist and I've experienced a teeny fraction of Rainbow's verbal expression of displeasure. (Reads: Unkind words and sacarsm. Well, volume was loud at one point of time.) Rainbow watches the blacklisted and has a flair for encouraging others to be as perfect as they can be (ie. Rainbow has the ability to spot all your mistakes, point out extra mistakes you didn't make, and of course, conjure up a cause to correct you on what wasn't even a mistake.)

Naturally, I was upset when Rainbow's colours flashed, thundered and drenched me. But on hindsight, maybe I shouldn't be. Rainbow reminded me that I should work to the best of my ability. I'm challenged to do my utmost best such that Rainbow would have nothing to pick on. Well, if Rainbow does want to get personal and create an unpleasant experience, I'd have to remember that those comments and verbal abuse are invalid and unapplicable.

There is no excuse for unapologetic use of verbal abuse.

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