Thursday, April 26, 2007


Sighsighsiansiansian. Sian-ness is everywhere. It's suffocating. Nope, no happy thoughts at the moment. Buggered by sian-ness. I'm getting stoney-faced. Maybe even black faced. Getting apathetic and impatient. Either that, or frustrated and pek-chek. Permanent state of PMS. Not thankful, not caring, not joyous. Dry, gruelling, withered. Sianly stuck to passivity in probably all areas of life.

Room in mess,
work is work,
books unread,
brain unthinking,
heart not praying,
speech is stinging,
mind degrading,
heart is hardening,
songs are fading.

Oh how depressing.

Chocolate therapy anyone.

Stressed is Desserts spelt backwards.

JR, Lia, ZL, YT... I'm so sorry... so so so sorry... A disastrously strong wind indirectly caused a major accident to the most sweetie pie present... It shattered and it broke my heart to see the pieces. I'm so going to glue it back and keep it with me no matter what.

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