Sunday, May 29, 2005


I was sitting on the bus, staring at the low grey stretch of thickening, darkening and precipitating rain clouds that spelt a wet journey home. But I didn't expect it to be this wet. Before I knew it, someone up there turned on the shower head and the rain bathed everything and everyone beneath the dreary and grey expanse. I was still on the bus and the sheets of water that cascaded down the sides of the large windows blurred my vision so much that I couldn't even see the rain drops. If only I wasn't looking out of the bus into the wetness that awaited me. It would have been a pretty sight if I were sitting in a fancy restaurant looking at sheets of water cascading down large glass panels into sparkling pools filled with dainty fishes and lights instead.

But when it's time to get off the bus, it's time to get out of the bus... into the wet. My small, lightweight umbrella was no refuge or shelter from the pouring rain. Pouring rain sounds so cliched that it doesn't exactly describe the kind of rain that blasted my umbrella. Just imagine a spoilt showerhead with an infinite supply of water. The perfect kind of rain for a shampoo advertisement. A stylish model can whip out her bottle of shampoo, foam it up and wash her hair under the shower of water. And I'm not even sure if they can capture her face cause the rain just blurs everything.

I got home with my jeans all wet and heavy and soaked with water. It's all wet! Drenched! I can wring water out of it! No kidding and no exaggerating!

So, my point is is this: It's the heaviest downpour I've ever seen. **bleah**

Other nitty gritties of the day:
Wrist-ache from playing guitar. Maybe it has to do with the size of my guitar which is smaller than usual. Then again, my fingers are a little short to play normal sized guitars. hahahaha.

1 comment:

Chang said...

Do alittle bit of stretching before u start playing. It helps to relieve the strain.

It's like exercising la. Haha.