Friday, May 27, 2005

Here's another scrap of paper I found. During the exams, I was inspired by my friend's blog at and I escaped from my stress into a world I created, Lushya.

Lushya is governed by the Source-- the energy giver, the lifegiver, the central authority, the all knowing and all powerful Source. Planet Lushya is in the third galactical orbit and it's surrounded by rings of energy known as the galacticoid orbital belt and protected the Enervon shield. The Source is found in the heart of Lushya, at the galactical core. All life comes from the Source and goes back to the Source. Lushya's landscape is divided into four areas. The Northen plot, Nectarisa, is known for its luscious greenary. The Southern plot is called Sunivia, a region bursting with energy and the capital of Lushya where the main authorities reside. The Eastern plot, Eukarisa, is filled with wildlife and fauna that is diverse and beautiful. The Western plot is called Windevia, where the winds and waters meet the sky, where the view is breath-taking, and where the unknown deep lies.

In the Lushya that I create, I become Zea Maysteria, born and raised in Nectarisa with a deep curiosity and fascination for the unknown deep in Windevia. I know the Source and the Source bears authority over me. I am later bestowed with gifts and is sent as an agent to earth on a mission -- a mission yet unrevealed to myself.

I wanted to create a history for Lushya, a system for Lushya, a magic for Lushya, a law for Lushya, a political system for Lushya, an education system for Lushya, a family for Lushya and so much more. Writing is such a task of magnitude. But before I get lost in Lushya, which only exists in my mind as a wonderful Eutopian escape, I better anchor myself to reality. In due time perhaps, writing, alongside my interest in Chinese calligraphy and guitar playing, will become good past times.

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