Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Everything's grey.

Racing mind. Restless thoughts. What lulled me to sleep was the sound of nature. The soothing, rhythmic croon of those little night creatures somehow set me at ease. Nature, and all the harmony that seemed associated with it, perhaps reminded me of peace. Peace in the relaxed, calm, restful sense. I slept well and only awakened to remember the drudgery that followed the days, which are all very well painted in grey.

All I know and dwell on in biology--the harmony and the altruistic nature of cells-- appear to be an ideal that is now tainted with grey in the bigger picture. Mutated forms of cellular life that migrate and fester are but part of the bleak greyness. In the individual that harbours that broken biological harmony, there is still a greater conflict: That between the will and the heart. Between the individuals, mutual relations collapse. We do not understand each other. We do not know nature as we think we do. Nature and that natural peacefulness is part of a pretty picture. But look, there's grey beneath it. Weeds going against crops. Competition for survival. Plant diseases. It's all grey.

Plant against Plant. Animal against Animal. Man against Man. Man against God. Do some permutation and combination. And the right combinations will be Plant and Animal against Man. and Man against God. This is a broken world.

I fail to remember the hope that lies at the end of the road. A promise unclaimed. A beautiful promise that seems distant and unreal. Too good to be true and too far to be tangible. I know it's true but the grey clouds me out.

Get up and reach out, for it has been promised that this broken world will be no more. Clean off the grey and remember that you are the salt and light of the world.

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