Saturday, June 12, 2004

JT and the Three Kind-hearted Ladies

Kindred spirit aboard bus 67
Aboard bus 67, I was half-asleep, leaning against the window of the bus with my hair falling all over my face. I was too tired to care about my image and my hair blocked out the sun anyway. It was warm despite the air-conditioning but I was thankful that I had a seat. Sometime later, an elderly lady settled down into the seat beside me. She was one of those regular aunties with short tight curls, plastic bags which hung at her elbows and a wallet tucked under her arm. In my daze, I remembered that the auntie switched to another seat nearby and said, "Xiaomei ah, ni3 zuo4 na4 bian1 hen3 ri4 leh, zuo4 guo4 lai2 mei2 you3 na4 me ri4." In other words, she wanted me to take her previous seat so that I would not be in the sun. Well, I was not affected by the sun but I was quite touched by her concern for me. She chose to move to another seat despite her bags of groceries and all. So touched.

Kindred spirit II aboard bus 67
Aboard bus 67 again, I was trying to keep my balance as I fiddled around with my shoulder bag and my laptop bag. It was fairly crowded and I tried as best as I could not to have my bulky bags bump into anyone. Well, I accidentally bumped into one of the aunties behind me. She tapped my shoulder and I prepared myself for a nasty remark. I turned around to see this smiling auntie with a greying pony-tail. She stood up from her seat and she said, "Xiaomei, zuo4 xia4 lai2 lah, wo3 yao4 xia4 bus liao. Deng3 yi4 xia4 hen3 duo2 ren2 yao4 zuo4 liao." In other words, she's giving up her seat to me! I smiled and thanked her... so touched!

Kindred spirit aboard bus 157
Aboard bus 157, I stood facing an auntie who was seated beside a young lady. I couldn't help but overhear what they were talking about. The auntie with short grey hair was talking about her eyes. Cateracts, I think. The young lady was very concerned and patient with the auntie. ( I guess very few young people are like that. They spoke in dialect and the young lady was really nice and gentle.) Anyway, the young lady alighted a few stops after I boarded the bus, and the auntie smiled at me and said, " Ni3 yao4 zuo4 ma1?" I smiled,declined politely and shifted to the back of the bus. I don't really need to sit today... still, I was touched.

JT's thoughts
No stranger has ever given up their seat for me before... until I met these three ladies. Not even when I'm carrying a gigantic camping bag or a loadful of books. On those three occasions, I was still managing... but I was shown kindess. I find it quite ironic that all these old ladies should be so willing to give their seats for others and care for other passengers. Recently, with all the campaigns about giving up seats to the elderly and needy... I, the young and energetic one, am offered the seat instead. oh. Maybe they thought I'm a kid. Hmmm. Never mind.

Anyway, I'm always reminded of these caring aunties when I see those young working professionals rushing for seats on board the train at Jurong East, Raffles and City Hall MRT... and I can't help but smile to myself. These caring aunties have a heart for others .(what has happened to the young professional workers and they young people of my generation?) Let's give these aunties a toast and a warm round of applause!

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