Had a wonderful meal with jiemei's (okie, and a buddy) at Thai express and the place that's full of yummilicious Secret Recipes. Hmmmm... it's amazing how one's friend can be another's primary school friend or hall friend or CCA friend or sthg sthg. The world is so small. haha anyway, here's more photos of yummies from secretive cooks and their awfully good recipes...
Oreoshake. Not too bad. Not too sweet. Or izzit not too sweet because I've been stuffing myself with this choco cake below:
Chocolate banana cake! Wonderful wonderful! and wonderfully tall the cake is too! And there's macademia white chocolate cake.... and marble cheese cake... and tiramisu... and all sorts of mouthwatering stuff... sheesh...
Baked cheese cake... Rich, creamy and yet not too heavy. It inspired me to go bake cheesecake again. But erm, don't ask me for the cake. Something went not so right. Added too little vanilla, maybe creamed the cheese too much, baked for an insufficient time? ah well. Something's not right anyway. It's supposed to come out a little thick n rich... but it was kinda soft and spongey, like fiesta cheesecake, which is not supposed to .... nvm nvm.
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