Monday, October 25, 2004

Lost. Muah Chee.

I'm so nuah. I feel like muah chee. No drive to do any work man. I think I'm forgetting some things in life. I've kinda slowed down the pace of my life so much so that I am highly inefficient with a gigantic amount of backload. I look at the problem, check out all the difficulties and find the gargantuan pressure and inertia building up so high that I ain't getting started. I get bogged down by the minute trivialities of the problem I literally put them there before they exist. And when I've exhuasted myself thinking about all the hiccups that haven't happened, I realise I finally should start working. But when that happens, I'm so tired, all the problems become some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. I churn out my Burkholderia Psuedomallei report to find that I could have done way better if I havent thought so much about how hard it was. Wait, I haven't even started the report yet. Come on, get a grip and get moving.

Hey, I think I know what JT has forgotten. Do you remember about the stewardship of resources? Remb, He is pleased when we work. We were created for meaningful and purposeful work. Think you forgot too... that is anything too hard for the Lord? If the Lord is with us, isn't dat the greatest driving force ever? Ah, first of all, I think I need to wake up to the idea that God isn't contained...

Passing Thought:
How come my blog has degenerated into some sort of whiny diary... I think I have neglected the lightheartedness of life and the niceness and interestingness of ppl and things I see. Too much inward-looking. Look outwards please!

Image of the day:
A calm puddle under a big tree reflecting the intricate criss-cross of branches, twigs, leaves and the sky.

I used to think that puddles of that sort must be the most beautiful holiday resort swimming pool for ants living in nearby grass patches. (If they ever know how to swim. Do ants even drink water?)

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