counter reads: 138
The politically correct and edited quote of the day:
If I had THE money, I'd treat everyone to dinner. If.
Quote of the day no. 2:
Unless you are about to lose it, you may not know that you treasure it that much.
Handphones. I want to throw mine away.
First of all, I just want to clarify that I won't be throwing my handphone away. It's just a thought. I'm just tired of getting sms-es and having to arrange stuff through smses. It's too effort consuming. My fingers feel strained. Then again, nobody seems to use the house phone anymore. Probably because they aren't at home. And probably because almost everybody has a handphone. Seriously, my hp rings more than my house phone. Please call my house phone if possible. I'd appreciate it. Besides, I'm using a lousy plan with only 50 pathetic mins of talk time plus NO free smses. For some unspoken reasons, I can't change my plan.
Secondly, with handphones, a lot of things seem more fluid and less reliable. When people arrange to meet at say 4pm, it can jolly well be shifted here and there with an sms. It's just too fluid. I really think we're getting too dependent on handphones. I want to be rid of this dependence.
Thirdly, I keep dropping my phone and forgetting where I've left it. That's such a burden. Tells you something about me eh? Butter fingers and absent-minded. Sheesh. Guess I can't exactly blame my phone for that...
Fourthly, strange people have sent mushy messages to my phone, reporting what they are doing every once in a while, oblivious to the fact that they've been raising the goosebumps of a complete stranger.Yesterday, I smsed two people whom I supposed to meet up for some stuff... and a strange unknown no. replied. Mr/ Miss unknown asked me who I was. So, I sent my sms again, thinking innocently that one of the persons whom I've messaged may have dedicated one hp for phone calls and the other new number to sms-es. The reply soon came and exclaimed that I've got the wrong person. That unknown no. has replied with such a stern tone that I felt as if I was accused of being a stalker. Not a pleasant experience. well, it's partly my fault though... I soon figured I've got the wrong number. OOOOooooops.
I wish I could leave my phone at home. But this will truly irritate people who need to contact me urgently. Argh.
Enough of the whining. I'm still going to be bring my phone around though. Perhaps I'll change my hp plan one day. Perhaps I'll designate a day every week to keep my phone at home. Hey, being uncontactable does seem to imply a certain sense of freedom, doesn't it?
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