Sunday, November 26, 2006

Yet another letter-- Slipper Swish III

The 1st letter as of 22 months ago: swish swash I
The 2nd letter as of 15months ago: swish swash II

A third letter from slipper swish-- old, weathered and weary.

The slipper. Washed towards another shore and singing another song.

The song? One that hints of another final letter. The coming of a swan song.

Dear so-and-so,

thank you very much for your kind patience and guidance. Without a doubt, I see a sincere heart filled with the most genuine concern for my growth and stretching. But just as waves crash helplessly against unmoving rocks, your kind words have merely washed over me. Little seeped in, and little changed my heart. The waves can push and crash harder, but each push and crash only reveals how unmoving and resistant rocks are. Rocks stand still. Rocks stand hard. Rocks stand cold. I propose to finish up my duties for the year as a close. Perhaps, we need to have a meeting soon.

Yours sincerely,
Slipper swish.

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