Cheesecake cheaterbug. I refer to a particular website which informed me that one slice of cheesecake (baked according to its recipe) will give you 528 calories. I believed so... until my confidence has been shaken by inaccuracies that were discovered during my personal cheesecake-baking experience. I now move onto what I really want to talk about -- the cheesecake recipe and what it did to me.
Firstly, I finally understood why chefs are usually guys (some of them are big burly guys at that). It's because a great deal of effort is required to cream the cheese. Given the overestimated portion that I was creaming (thanks to the recipe -.- ), I devoted 2 hours to slogging-out with a spatula and 4 bars of Philadelphia cream cheese. I hereby declare that the 1kg of cheese worth $18.60 is now worth 7 times more. It's my first cheesecake and I can rightfully call it the fruit of my labour. Labour, literally labour.
So it's just 1kg of cheese right? What's the fuss. The fuss is this: I made 18 egg-tart sized cheesecake, and another whole cheesecake to go. Enough to feed my extended family. And coz I've got to bake 2 batches, I haven't got enough time for my egg-tart sized cheesecakes to sit and cool... so it started cracking. So sad. The next batch will be sitting in for the next 6 hours i guess... ...
(8 hours later...)
erm, I think I should have gone easy with flour... yah, my cheesecake is a little thick... but that doesn't stop me and my sisters from being addicted to them. ahem, if you're staying within a 1km radius from my house, you may just get the cheesecakes. (of course, my decisions are final. No questions please. muahaha)
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