Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Imagine this. You are a guy who’s been in the photocopying room for hours, trying to get your notes printed. You’ve roped in two of your buddies and each of you are trying the quickest possible way to borrow all of the seven different textbooks that have been reserved at the counter. After a whole day’s work, you realize that you only have one book left to pick up from the counter. Just one little chapter to go and you’re done with this photocopying room…

You and one of your friends rush quickly to the counter to queue for the last book. As your friend double-checked the photocopying list, you notice three girls standing behind you who are gesturing animatedly… oh well. Whatever. All you have to do is to get the book and go. Just then…

The three girls approach you and your friend.

“Hi, are you guys also printing the notes for this module?” one of the taller girls asked.
“Yah,” your friend answered.
“Ok, we’re also printing the notes. Why not we print the notes from different books and combine our notes together? Faster that way,” suggested the tall girl.
“Actually, we’re finishing already. Only one book left,” your friend said in reply.
“Oh, like that ah. Okie loh. Never mind lah. Thanks,” said a shorter girl.

“Erm, then we help you borrow and photocopy the last book? Can we photocopy the rest from you all also?” the tall girl asked.

Your friend is reluctant… but somehow you agreed. As you watched the girls photocopy the notes, you can guess that your friends aren’t too happy. You were there the whole day photocopying that 2 inch thick pile of notes... and they just reaped the benefits... and got everything done in less than an hour. The tall girl offered to buy you a drink and the two other girls looked pretty paiseh about it. But they were quite smiley and full of thanks too. Oh well. It’s not so bad to help one another right? After all, it is “ju1 shou3 zhi1 lao2”… Well.

Ahem… erm… erm…The shorter girl is me.

Really paiseh. The guys have every right to be reluctant about it I guess… girls whom you don’t know… and who seem to be taking advantage of the situation??!! So sorry guys… and erm thanks.

If "You" were really you, will you be angry?...

*Guess my tall friend is really pretty gungho… and oh, perhaps charming too ;) *

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