Part I -- First time: Stolen handphone.
Bugis junction is a dangerous place with many hp pickpockets. Or... there could be a main pickety-pockety culprit, or a syndicateful of them. Watch out. 2 of my other friends have had similar experiences. Some sly slob of a guy (Don't know why I think it's a guy) unzipped the smaller compartment of my bagpack and whisked my hp away. Nobody noticed anything until I wanted to sms my friend. Tada, POCKET OPEN! The usual procedures follow: emptying of bag, getting your friend to call your phone, and realising that your phone has been switched off. (Similar procedures were applied in circumstances during which my friends' hps were stolen.) When the hoo-haas are over, the next step would be to suspend ze SIM card.
*Watch your belongings at bugis junction!!! Especially when it's getting crowded at the MRT station... and when everyone's squeezing their way up the escalators....*
Part II -- First time: Sprained Foot
I have never sprained my foot before. Sprained fingers and toes in the days of my younger youth while playing ball and bobbing down the stairs hazardously (respectively). Today, I didnt even do anything dangerous. I simply walked down a step. And I have no idea how my foot ended up in the wrong position and how my body weight dealt ze blow to my foot. I crumpled and fell down. (And nobody came to my rescue.) After some struggling, I finally got to my feet and hobbled somewhere to sit down. I thought it didn't hurt that much. But the dizziness and nausea hit me for no good reason. What was that??? Nause and dizziness together with sprain? DUh, doesn't fit. SO I popped one mentos into my mouth, felt like puking more and just crouched in misery for a few moments. When it's all done and over, I hobbled to get a cab and made it home.
Part III -- First time: Stolen hp followed by sprained foot.
Sprained my foot. No hp to call for help to tell the respective people that I can't make it to school. Don't have contact numbers of the people I need to get in touch with.
To the guy who stole my phone:
Too bad for you that my lousy 3100 has spoilt vibration and spoilt LCD screen. The only thing that's precious to me are those contact numbers and messages. Bet they don't mean much to you anyway. Give up your life of theft la. Mabbe you can be a busker and perform magic shows like "The hp disappearing Act". Just turn over a new leaf la. Get a job at a hp shop and offer your knowledge of handphones which will be appreciated.
1 comment:
sigh. the theif juz anyhow steal eh. -patpat-
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