Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Sun-Grilled Coffee Black Tan

I woke up with sore shoulders and luscious lips (fine, it's swollen lips that itch, hurt and peel around the edges). The magic of the fun-under-the-sun at Sentosa was transformed into a tiring muscle ache, a coffee-black tan and peeling skin. I wonder if it hurts the Reptilia to peel and shed just as much.

The day before, volleyball in the late morning and early afternoon sun toasted all of us to a tender brown. Silently and subconsciously, all of us slowly attained the ripe perfection of a crisp, nice brown. As we continued to play and compliment each other on our tans, we were soon grilled a lobster red. Neither of us realised it till we were fried a painful reddish black.

When I looked into the Sentosa toilet mirror, I had an even tan with a nice red patch across my nose and cheeks. Later, this red patch grew in strength and dominated my whole face. I was so burnt.

In the comforts of my home, I checked the damage done by the fiery heat and saw my reddish-black shoulders and knew I was in for a peeling surprise.

Right now, I need MoiSturiZer.

PS: Please do not be shocked by my SGCBT (sun-grilled coffee-black tan)

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